About Ardisia

Everyone has a story they can tell that has lead them to their life as writer. Mine is as follows: I started writing when I was in middle school in a creative writing elective class. Soon, I learned that writing was a way for me to say what I could never find the words to express out loud. It was my way to shed some light in the dark corners of my life: pain, anxiety, angst, you name it. My mind was always drowning with thoughts and writing was a way for me to let it all out. Fast forward to my adult years, I’m still writing to express my feelings, but now my goal is to add more creative and poetic features to my work.

As far as performance, I did not start performing and reciting my work for audiences until I was 22 years old, when some friends encouraged me to take the risk at a Slam poetry event. I am still trying to get better at performing, so I try to perform at open mic events when I can. Ever since my first performance, I have been on a journey to expanding myself as a writer, which has been quite the trip.

And so, this website contains my work. I write mostly poetry, but sometimes I get inspired to create prose. Hi everyone! This is me–this where it all begins. Enjoy! ^_^

Me in Iwakuni, Japan (Kintai-kyo Bridge)
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